
Rabu, 17 Agustus 2011

Adhi Karya Jobs Vacancy

ADHI was initiated on March 11, 1960 when the Minister of Public Works set Architecten-Ingenicure-en Annnemersbedrijf “Associatie Selle en de Bruyn, Reyerse en de Vries N.V” (Associatie N.V.), one of the Dutch-owned company that was nationalized into PN Adhi Karya. Nationalization was intended to spur infrastructure development in Indonesia.

ADHI, the big construction company in Indonesia is inviting highly motivated professionals to fulfill these positions :

Drafter Work Location Jakarta


* Be possess at least STM, Diploma or Bachelor Degree Civil Engineering/Architecture with GPA min. 2.75
* Male, maximum 35 years old
* At least 5 years of working experience in the related field is required for this position
* Familiar with AutoCAD 3D
* Good knowledge in building construction and other civil
* Highly self motivated with the ability to work underpressure and quickly adapt to unique situation
* 10 contract positions available

Quantity Surveyor Work Location Jakarta


* Be possess at least Diploma Civil Engineering or Quantity Survey with GPA min. 2.75
* Male, maximum 35 years old
* At least 5 years of working experience in the related field is required for this position
* Good knowledge of Bills of Quantities, materials and suppliers
* Highly self motivated with the ability to work underpressure and quickly adapt to unique situation
* 4 contract positions available

Potential and serious candidate shall send application before 15 September 2011 to :

Divisi Human Resources Capital
PT ADHI KARYA (Persero) Tbk
Email to :

Recruitment PT PLN (Persero) 2011

We believe that human potential is the greatest asset and our future, therefore we invest great to get the prospective future leaders who will develop PT PLN (Persero) a World Class Company and business challenges in the future.

Career opportunities at PT PLN (Persero) is very extensive because our business ranges from upstream to downstream, starting from the Generation, Transmission to Distribution Power to the customer and supporting services

Recruitment PT PLN (Persero) S1/D4/D3 Rate Year 2011
Placement on the Entire Medan Indonesia Region Selection


* Male gender
* Status is not married and not married during their willing Prajabatan Training
* Final semester students who are / have completed the End Task or Passed S1/D4 or D3
* S1 limit Ages: Birth 1985 and after, D3 Birth 1987 and thereafter
* GPA> = 2.75 for engineering, GPA> = 3.0 fatherly non-technical
* Height> = 155 cm
Glasses = <-4 (minus four) Not color blind

Fill out and submit the registration data application file at PT PLN (Persero) Wilayah Sumatera Utara dated August 18, 2011 - 6 September 2011 Completeness of the application file as follows:

* Curriculum Vitae (CV)
* Copy of birth certificate Copy of diploma / certificate of legalized
* Copy the last transcript of legalized
* Copy of ID card Latest photographs as much as 2 sheets of 3x4 size

Send letter addressed to :

PT PLN (Persero)
c.q Kepala Divisi Pengembangan SDM dan Talenta

For applicants from graduate programs across the forward path D3 S1) must attach: Transcripts value of legalized D3, D3 diploma legalized

During the selection process, if there is a discrepancy, the participants expressed Ruling ,One applicant is only allowed to choose 1 (one) job positions , One applicant is only allowed to choose the appropriate educational level positions held.
Call participants and test locations will be announced via the website

Apply the knockout stages of selection and include:
1. Selection of administration
2. General Aptitude Test
3. Academic & English Language
4. PsikoTest and group discussion
5. Health Tests
6. Interview
7. Training Prajabatan

Download Complete Document HERE 

PT. Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Jobs Vacancy

PT. Angkasa Pura I (Persero) was established on 20 February 1962 under Government Regulation Number 33 of 1962 with the name of the State Enterprise (PN) Angkasa Pura Kemayoran which has the task principal as a manager and exploitation Kemayoran Jakarta International airport.

PT. Angkasa Pura I (Persero) is a company that specializes in airport give the opportunity to Indonesia's best Putra & Putri  to join us.

General Requirements:

  • Male / Female;
  • Maximum 30-year-old (in 2011);
  • Indonesian citizen;
  • No status as a husband / wife Employee PT. Angkasa Pura I (Persero);
  • Graduates S.1: Law , Communication , Economic Accounting, Economic Management, Industrial engineering, K3 management, Civil engineering, Interior Design, Technical Architecture, Information Engineering, Air Transport Management, Psychology
  • Graduates D. III: Economic Accounting, Economic Management, Civil engineering, Technical Architecture
  • Have a grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.75 on a scale of 4;
  • Have a minimum TOEFL score 450 (valid);
  • Good behavior (expressed in Police Notes);
  • Physically and mentally healthy, not tattooed and pierced not (for men);
  • Willing to be placed throughout the Branch Office of PT. Angkasa Pura I (Persero).
Application file is made by attaching the following documents:
  • A cover letter. and Curriculum Vitae;
  • Copy of diploma that has been legalized by the Authorities;
  • Copy of transcripts that have been legalized by the Authorities;
  • The results of the original TOEFL Score (valid);
  • The original Certificate of physically and mentally able-bodied latest from the RS Government / Hospital;
  • Police Notes (SKCK) is still valid and has been legalized by the Police local;
  • Copy of valid ID card;
  • 2 (two) recent color photographs size 4 × 6 with a red background.
Application file no later than accepted on August 27, 2011 (postmark), by writing education (eg: D. III S.1 Economics or Industrial Engineering) top left corner of the envelope and delivered to:

PO BOX 2761 JKP 10027

For document can dowload HERE

Senin, 15 Agustus 2011

PT Perkebunan Nusantara VII (Persero) Jobs Vacancy


PT Perkebunan Nusantara VII (Persero) is one of the State-Owned Enterprises (SOE) sector
Indonesian plantation. The Company is headquartered in Bandar Lampung, Lampung Province, which formed based on Government Regulation Number 12 Year 1996 dated February 14, 1996 and Notary Aaron Kamil, SH No. 40 dated March 11, 1996.

PTPN VII (Persero) is a merger of PT Perkebunan
X (Persero), PT Perkebunan XXXI (Persero), PT Perkebunan XI Development Project (Persero) in
Lahat District and Plantation Development Project XXIII PT (Persero) in Bengkulu Province.
PTPN VII Inviting Power Potential Limited Liability Company (Persero) PT Perkebunan Nusantara VII, state-owned enterprises with working area in Lampung South Sumatra and Bengkulu inviting potential workers who have integrity, persistent, tenacious, willing to work hard, dare to face challenges and have high self motivation for the position of karayawa leadership, with a background as follows:

1.S1 Pertanian Program Studi A. gronomi (Kode : TAN1)
2. S1 Pertanian Program Studi Ilmu Tanah (Kode : TAN2)
3. S1 Pertanian Program Studi Sosek (Kode :TAN3)
4. S1 Teknologi Pertanian Program Studi Teknologi Hasil 4. Pertanian (Kode:THP)
5. S1 Ekonomi Program Studi Akuntansi (Kode: AKT)
6. S1 Ekonomi Program Studi Manajemen (Kode: MNJ)
7. S1 Ilmu Hukum (Kode : HKM)
8. S1 SOSPOL Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi (Kode : KOM)
9. S1 SOSPOL Program Studi Administrasi Negara (Kode:ADN)
10. S1 Teknik Mesin Program Studi Konversi Energi (Kode : MES)
11. S1 Teknik Kimia (Kode : KIM)
12. Kedokteran Umum (Kode : DOK)


1. Indonesian citizen, age maximum 29 years on January 1, 2012 (Born after December 31, 1982)
2. Minimum GPA 2.75 (PTN) or 3.00 (PTS)
3. Willing to be placed around the working area of ​​the company. Due to the nature of work performed, it takes a man to the Code TAN, THP, MES and KIM and males preferred to code AKT, MNJ, COM, AND, HKM and DOK
4. Never dismissed without honor from the Government agency or legal entity or Private.
5. Police Notes explaining never been convicted of committing crime.
7. Health Certificate, Not Color Blind, and Drug-Free from the Doctors

Send job application letter accompanied by copies of diplomas and transcripts S1 (legalized), 4 × 6 photographs newest 3 sheets (write the name on the back of each photo), Curriculum Vitae (Curriculum Vitae and Employment) completed no. phone / cell phone easily be reached, photocopy of valid ID card, and requirements Other administration as mentioned above, addressed to:

Jl. Jend. Urip Sumoharjo No. 100, Yogyakarta – 55222
Telp. (0274) 586201

* Statement as follows: PTPNVII / code formation / location code (Lampung or Yogyakarta).
* The committee received a letter of application no later than September 30, 2011.
* Only qualified applicants will be called to follow the selection. Cover letter belongs to the Committee.
* Company Profile, requirements and test phases can be viewed at the website LPP:
 * Announcement of participants who are called to follow the Phase I tests can be viewed via the website at LPP October 24, 2011.
* The committee's decision is absolute.
* The committee serves no correspondence & telephone associated with the test results.
* During the selection process, accommodation and transportation are not covered by the committee.

PT. Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk Jobs Vacancy

PT. Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk. has a vision to be the leading banks in housing finance. Our missions is providing superior service in housing finance and related industries, consumer finance and small and medium businesses, increasing competitive advantage through innovative product development, and strategic network-based services and the latest technology.

We also prepare and develop quality human capital, professional and high integrity, carry out banking management in accordance with the principles of prudence and good corporate governance to enhance Shareholder Value and care for the interests of society and the environment.

PT. Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk. open the opportunity for those of you who have a passion to excel, friendly, honest, tenacious, thorough and innovative, attractive and good communication skills to fill positions as follows:



1. WNI: Male / Female, age max. 25 years (not age to 26 as of August 31, 2011)
2. S1 of the PTN / PTS of the leading and reputable, preferably from the majors:

- Economics (Banking, Accounting, and Development Studies)
- Law (Civil and Criminal)
- Computer Science / Information Management / Information Technology
- technique

3. GPA min. 3.00 (scale 4:00)
4. Height: Male min. Women's 160 cm and min. 155 cm
5. Regulated Health and weight proportionate
6. Able to communicate in English both oral and written
7. Computer literate, Ms. minimal. Office
8. Willing to be placed throughout Indonesia
9. Never married and not willing to get married for 2 years
10. Willing to undergo a bond for 3 years
11. Has no family relationship with the employees of Bank BTN (father / mother / son / brother / sister / brother parent / parent sister / niece / brother in law)


a. Online registration on website of Bank BTN (
b. Applicants must fill out and submit all data and information which has been requested at the time of filling registration data, except for uploading images applicants can be ignored (no need to upload photos)
c. Online registration can be done starting on August 13, 2011 until the date of August 20, 2011 at 18:00 pm


a. Only the best qualified applicants will be called and will be included in subsequent stages of selection process.
b. Selection decisions are ABSOLUTE and can not be contested.

TAHUN 2011

Panitia Seleksi Pemilihan Calon Anggota Lembaga Perlindungan Saksi dan Korban (LPSK) Pengganti mengundang Warga Negara Republik Indonesia yang memenuhi persyaratan menjadi Calon Anggota LPSK Pengganti untuk melaksanakan tugas dan wewenang LPSK sesuai dengan amanat Undang-Undang Nomor 13 Tahun 2006 tentang Perlindungan Saksi dan Korban. Adapun perdaftaran diatur sebagai berikut :

Waktu Pendaftaran : Mulai tanggal 10 Agustus 2011 s.d 10 September 2011 (Jam kantor)

Persyaratan :
  1. Warga Negara Indonesia;
  2. Sehat jasmani rohani;
  3. Tidak pernah dijatuhi pidana karena melakukan tindak pidana kejahatan yang ancaman pidananya paling singkat 5 (lima) tahun;
  4. Berpendidikan paling rendah Strata 1;
  5. Memiliki integritas dan kepribadian yang tidak tercela
Informasi Persyaratan dan Kelengkapan dokumen lainnya silakan anda download Pengumuman di bawah ini.

Dokumen LPSK

PT. Infomedia Nusantara Jobs Vacancy

PT. Infomedia Nusantara by Telkom Indonesia is a leading provider of information and communications services in Indonesia. Our company continues to innovate in business by continuing to develop our three main services: Directory Service, Contact Center and Service Content.

In TSB business development, we currently require candidates who are interested to join our company and participate in the process. Currently, we are seeking candidates for the position:

Call Center Telkomsel Surabaya
Call Center Telkomsel Jakarta

Handle customer by phone


  • Candidate must possess at least a Diploma in any field.
  • Minimum grade is 2.00 for Bachelor Degree, 2.50 for Diploma.
  • Maximum age is 35 years old.
  • Fresh graduates/Entry level applicants are encouraged to apply.
  • 1 Full-Time and Contract position available.
Interested candidates please send your
  • Application letter
  • CV
  • ID Card copy
  • 4x6 recent photograph
  • Copy of diploma transcript
not later than August 19, 2011 to email address below:

The Putera Sampoerna Foundation Vacancy

The Putera Sampoerna Foundation is the first non-profit organization to receive the ISO 9001:2008 certificate of quality management systems which are of international standard. Applying the principles of transparency and accountability in all its activities, the Putera Sampoerna Foundation has been trusted by more than 250 corporations, organizations and associations as a provider for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs. The Putera Sampoerna Foundation is periodically audited by a third-party international auditor and its report is published in the Putera Sampoerna Foundation's annual report.

Currently Putera Sampoerna Foundation is looking for high motivated candidates to fulfill the following positions:

General Admin Staff-Sampoerna Academy work location Jakarta


* Provide administrative and logistic support (transportation, ticket, hotel reservations) to Program Support Unit members and other department in Putera Sampoerna Foundation that related to Sampoerna Academy Program
* Support in maintaining an accurate and relational database according to ISO 9001:2008
* Maintain all the documents such as mailing, invoicing, purchase request, financial documentation and program documents that related to Sampoerna Academy project are managed, updated, archived according to SOP.
* Provide and maintain proper expedition book for all incoming and outgoing mail, documents, invoice and etc from Sampoerna Academy Project
* Cooperate and maintain communication with the Sampoerna Academy’s Schools that related to administrative tasks
* Prepare correspondence & reports as required and/or as directed
* Prepares meeting packages and minutes of meeting assigned by Program Support Unit Members
* Perform other work-related duties and ad hoc projects as assigned by Program Support Coordinator and Sampoerna Academy Manager


* Holds minimum D3 from Secretarial or any relevant disciplines.
* Competent in team player, demonstrates initiative, strong interpersonal and communication skills, flexible, Willing to work under pressure, Fast learner with a positive attitude
* Possesses minimum 2-3 years work experience in the same position.
* Possesses reasonable knowledge in using relevant office applications such as Microsoft words, excel, power point, etc.
* Fluent in English (reading, writing, speaking).
* Excellent communication and presentation skill.
* Good analytical, conceptual and administrative skill.

Accounting Staff work location Jakarta


* Creating incoming fund account from our contributors in Solomon system (AR Module) based on information from Finance Department.
* Ensuring description and cost allocation of Travel Allowance Form, Account Receivable, Advance request, Advance Realization, Request for Payment, Transfer Voucher and also Claim Payment Request submitted from all of department has been correct and properly to input in Solomon system.
* Checking document completeness of Travel Allowance, Account Receivable, Advance Request, Advance Realization, Request for Payment, Transfer Voucher and also Claim Payment Request submitted from all of department.
* Checking cost allocation of revenue and program expenses account in general ledger has been correct in the end of the month.
* Updating fiscal rate and mid BI rate weekly and monthly in Solomon system for transaction recording every day and for financial reports in the end of the month
* Updating Sampoerna Foundation fixed asset data (including classifying and labeling) on monthly basis and also maintain accuracy of fixed asset in regard of gain or loss of assets due to sale or disposal.
* Calculating and checking interest income received from our time deposit and other investment
* Preparing restricted fund report for the scholarship project
* Preparing financial highlights for quarterly and annually report needs.


* Holds minimum S1 from Accounting
* Possesses minimum 2-3 year work experience as accounting, and Experience as Auditor/Consultant or have experience in Audit/Consulting Firm
* Have a tax knowledge (brevet A/B) and or accounting knowledge in non profit organization
* Familiar in operating software accounting (Solomon)
* Knowledge in accounting treatments
* Possesses reasonable knowledge in using relevant office applications such as Microsoft words, excel, power point etc
* Has sufficient English skill, both spoken and written
* Has good project management skill

Tax Staff work location Jakarta


* Preparing monthly tax recapitulation such as : PPh 21, PPh 23, PPh 26, VAT Offshore, PPh article 4 (2) to be reviewed by our tax counsultant,
* Preparing monthly tax reconciliation with General Ledger every month
* Liaise with our tax consultant if there any tax issues appear in our transaction
* To calculation withholding tax and confirmation to vendor (if any)
* Update tax regulation and share to the other accounting staff
* Filing tax documentation


* Holds minimum S1 from Accounting
* Possesses minimum 2-3 year work experience as accounting, and Experience as Auditor/Consultant or have experience in Audit/Consulting Firm
* Have a tax knowledge (brevet A/B) and or accounting knowledge in non profit organization
* Familiar in operating software accounting (Solomon)
* Possesses reasonable knowledge in using relevant office applications such as Microsoft words, excel, power point etc
* Has sufficient English skill, both spoken and written
* Has good project management skill

Research Officer-Marketing & Communication work location Jakarta


* Gathers, collects and analyzes data and information collected by ministry/govt. department (such as BPS, Diknas, Depnaker), internet, magazines and other data providers to produce research reports (secondary research report) in the format of chart or presentation using requirement requested by other functions and departments
* Searches, identifies and edits photo, film and video related to Putera Sampoerna Foundation activities in order to prepare documentation material using requirement requested by other functions and departments
* Selects third party researcher based on Sampoerna’s Foundation’s vendor list, determines and reviews key questions to be asked in the survey and reviews the progress of research projects with the selected third party researcher in order to produce research reports using the requirement from other functions and departments
* Gathers data and conduct primary research activities related to conditions before and after the programs in order to produce research report regarding the effectiveness of Putera Sampoerna Foundation Programs, and in order to produce research report regarding the development or establishment of Sampoerna Foundation New Programs


* Holds minimum S1 from Statistics, Mathematics, IT or Economy discipline
* Possesses minimum 3-5 years work experience research activities, preferably on Marketing and Communication area
* Has knowledge using data processing applications such as SPSS, SAS, etc
* Has sufficient English skill, both spoken and written
* Computer literate to relevant office application such as Microsoft words, excel, power point, etc.
* Sufficient English skill, both spoken and written
* Excellent communication, interpersonal & presentation skill

Please submit your application letter addressing the selection criteria, along with a detailed CV and a list of three references. Please also state the job title codes and position titles in the e-mail subject. Please send your application by e-mail to:

For more information, visit:

Pasific Oil and Gas Jobs Vacancies

Pacific Oil & Gas is an independent energy resources development company focused on helping meet the increasing energy requirements of growing Asian economies. We invest, develop, build, own and operate innovative and cost-competitive projects throughout the energy supply chain, while maintaining constant attention to our role as a responsible corporate citizen.

In the upstream sector, our activities are concentrated on exploration, development and production of oil and gas on and around the island of Sumatra, Indonesia. Our midstream and downstream operations include the development of LNG receiving terminals and large-scale Combined Cycle Gas Turbine (CCGT) power plants in China.

We are also constantly evaluating other projects and technologies to help communities solve their energy needs, including coal, coal bed methane and renewable energy.

Although we are less than a decade old, we are ambitious and rapidly growing. In just seven years, we have successfully established key projects in Indonesia and China. We have forged strong partnerships with some of Asia’s most important and dynamic players in the energy business, and we have become one of only two foreign-owned companies to be allowed to invest in LNG receiving terminals in China.

Pacific Oil & Gas (PO&G) is an independent energy resources development company operating throughout the energy supply chain from upstream through to midstream and downstream projects. The company is involved in projects in Indonesia and China using the latest proven technology and operated in accordance with internationally recognized safety and environmental standards. PO&G has offices in Indonesia, China, Singapore and Hong Kong. For further information, please refer to:

Advertised on 10-8-11. Application deadline on 9-9-11

 HR Officer
(Jakarta Raya) 

  • Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree or Master's Degree in any field, background in Psychology will be an advantage.
  • At least 2 year(s) of working experience in the Recruitment field is required for this position.
  • Preferably Junior Executives specializing in Human Resources or equivalent.
  • English fluency is a must, able to speak Mandarin will be an advantage (to liaise with Mandarin speaking associates).
  • 1 Full-Time positions available.
Should you meet the above requirements, please send you comprehensive resume and recent photograph or register online to

Sabtu, 13 Agustus 2011

Lowongan Kerja PT. MEGASURYA MAS - Administration Supervisor

We have positioned ourself as one of the leaders in the Palm Oil Refinery and its derivatives Industry and distributed our products to all over Indonesia as well as to more than 132 countries around the world. Some of our well known products are Medicare, Harmony, Lervia and SunCo.
For more information please visit

Administration Supervisor
(Jawa Barat, Jawa Tengah, Jawa Timur, Sulawesi Selatan)

  • Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree in Accountancy or equivalent.
  • Min GPA 2.75
  • At least 3 years of working experience.
  • Preferably candidates who have experience in distribution company.
  • Having experience in handling operational activity and financial report.
  • Willing to be placed in all branches area (Malang, Semarang, Bandung, Makassar).
  • 2 Full-Time positions available.

Lowongan Kerja Bodynits International Pte Ltd - Management Trainee

Bodynits International Pte Ltd



Management Trainee

The Management Trainee will be contracted to be trained for a minimum period of 3 years in operations management.  The trainee will be rostered to various departments covering areas in production operations, quality, merchandising, logistics, purchasing and general management.  The Trainee will be expected to run a manufacturing facility - Garments Manufacturing as a General Manager upon completion of this training contract.   
  • Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree, Post Graduate Diploma, Professional Degree, any field.
  • Fresh graduates/Entry level applicants are encouraged to apply.
  • 5 Full-Time positions available.


Tel : 65-65455282 Fax : 65-65455361

Lowongan Kerja PT. Matahari Putra Prima Tbk - Store Department Manager

Perusahaan Retail terbesar di Indonesia dibawah PT. Matahari Putra Prima Tbk, membuka kesempatan bagi Anda yang berpotensi dan memiliki motivasi tinggi serta berpengalaman di bidang Retail untuk bergabung dengan kami dan berkarir sebagai : 

Store Department Manager
(Seluruh Wilayah Indonesia)

  • Pendidikan S1 (SEMUA JURUSAN)
  • Pria/Wanita, usia maksimal 30 tahun
  • Memiliki pengalaman manajerial dibidang Sumber Daya Manusia minimal 5 (lima) tahun
  • Memiliki pengalaman 2-4 tahun sebagai Store Department Manager (Groceries, Non Food, Fresh) atau setingkat di perusahaan Ritel Terkemuka
  • Bersedia bekerja shift dan ditempatkan keseluruh Indonesia
Apabila anda sesuai dengan kualikasi dan tertarik dengan tantangan diatas silakan kirim Surat Lamaran Anda ke alamat:

Matahari Food Bussiness - Recruitment Department
Menara Matahari Lt. 17
Jl. Boulevard Palem Raya No. 7
Lippo Karawaci Tangerang 15811
atau email

Lowongan Kerja Account Officer Commercial (AOC) Indonesia timur, Sumatera dan Jateng BRI Syariah

PT. Bank BRI Syariah membuka kesempatan kepada para fresh graduate yang aktif, berpikir analitis, bekerja secara independen maupun dalam tim dan mampu bekerja dengan target, untuk bergabung dan mengisi posisi di Kantor Cabang Bank BRI Syariah sebagai:

Account Officer Commercial (AOC) Indonesia timur, Sumatera dan Jateng
(Indonesia Timur, Sumatera dan Jawa Tengah)

  • Candidate must possess at least a Diploma, Bachelor's Degree, any field.
  • Applicants must be willing to work in Indonesia Timur,Sumatera dan Jawa Tengah.
  • Fresh graduates/Entry level applicants are encouraged to apply.

Walk-In interview akan diadakan pada Hari Minggu 14 Agustus 2011 Jam 09-00 s/d 15-00, bertempat di Auditorium FTSP Lt.3 Kampus Terpadu Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII). Jl. Kaliurang KM 14,5 Sleman Yogyakarta

Harap membawa CV lengkap+foto terlengkap yang sudah diberikan KODE WILAYAH Indonesia Timur (Balikpapan *BPP, Samarinda *SMRD, Banjarmasin *BNJR, Mataram *MTRM, Pontianak *PNTK), Sumatera (Palembang *PLG, Bengkulu *BGKL, Lampung *LPG, Jambi *JMB) dan Jawa Tengah *JTG.

Jumat, 12 Agustus 2011

Lowongan PT. Intisel Prodaktifakom

PT. Intisel Prodaktifakom “Intisel” is a dynamic service-oriented Company focused in Telecommunication/ Communication Contractor and System Supplier. Since the company established by a mitted to helping organization take advantage of Telecommunication project in Indonesia

Currently we are looking for suitable position suitables candidate for fill position

Engineer Telekomunikasi
(Jkt, Sby, Smg, Pdng, Plbg, Btm, Lmpng, Mks, Mnd, Bali, Nusra)


  1. Men Maximum 28 Years
  2. Fresh Graduates (Preferably) Education Minimal D-3 Electrical Engineering / Telecommunications / Information Technology / Computers, Information Management, Information Systems, Computer Systems
  3. Mastering Ms. Office, Software, LAN
  4. Speak English Oral / Writing (min. Passive)
  5. Bold at Altitude
  6. Willing to be assigned throughout Indonesia, Flexible, Self, Tough, Confident, Individual / Team, Adventurers, results orientation.
  7. Honestly, Analytical, accurate, diplomatic, Sabar
  8. Willing Association Service 3 Years
  9. Can Computers Min. Ms. Office and English (min. passive)

Please send your CV and your application to:

For more information please log onto our website at:

Vacancy Junior Network Engineer CCNA Cert - PT. Transdata Global Network

PT. Transdata Global Network is focus on IT and Telecommunications business trading and system integrator. Our competencies are giving end-to-end data, fixed and wireless solutions with highly trained and experienced IT and telecom engineers. We design and implementing cost effectiveness of network solutions to improve productivity and profitability of customers.

We are currently seeking for Junior Network Engineer (NE)

Requirements :

  1. Male max. 25 years old
  2. Bachelor degree in Electrical/IT/Telecommunication Engineering
  3. Must have minimum CCNA or other network skill certification
  4. Work independently or team
  5. Willing to Travel to Site
  6. Must have driving license (SIM C) and motorcycle
  7. Fresh Graduates are welcome to apply

You can send your application letter along with the related documents and latest photograph to :

The email subject shall be written with format : Applicant Name - NE

Selasa, 09 Agustus 2011

PT Perkebunan Nusantara XI (Persero) Job Vacancy

PT Perkebunan Nusantara XI (Persero), state-owned plantation with a working area in East Java to invite the potential power of integrity, persistent, tenacious, willing to work hard, dare to face challenges, and have high self-motivation of employees to occupy leadership positions, with an educational background as follows:

1. S1 Agriculture Agronomy Study Program (Code: TAN)
2. S1 Mechanical Engineering Study Program of Energy Conversion (Code: MES)
3. S1 Electrical Power System Studies Program (Code: Elk)
4. S1 Economic Accounting Department (Code: AKT)
5. S1 Economic Management Department (Code: MNJ)


* Indonesian citizen, age maximum 29 years on January 1, 2012 (Born after December 31, 1982)
* Minimum GPA 2.75 (PTN) or 3.00 (PTS)
* Willing to be placed around the working area of ​​the company.
* Due to the nature of work performed, it takes a man to the Code TAN, MES, Elk and the men preferred to code AKT and MNJ
* Never dishonorably discharged from the agency or government and private legal entities.
* Police Notes explaining never been convicted of committing a crime.
* Health Certificate, Not Color Blind, and Drug-Free from the Doctors

Send job application letter accompanied by copies of diplomas and transcripts S1 (legalized), fitting the latest 3 sheets of 4x6 photo (write name on the back of each photo), Curriculum Vitae (Curriculum Vitae and Employment) equipped with no. phone / cell phone easily be reached, photocopy of valid ID card, and other administrative requirements as mentioned above, addressed to:


The selection process will be held in Yogyakarta and Surabaya. Mention code corresponding formation and location of the selected tests, Surabaya (SBY) or Yogyakarta (YOG) to the left of the envelope cover. The committee received a letter of application no later than September 5, 2011. Only qualified applicants will be called to follow the selection. Cover letter belongs to the Committee. Company Profile, requirements and test phases can be viewed at the website LPP: Announcement of participants who are called to follow the Phase I tests can be viewed via the website LPP on September 23, 2011. The committee's decision is absolute. The committee serves no correspondence & telephone associated with the test results. During the selection process, accommodation and transportation are not covered by the committee.

Senin, 08 Agustus 2011

Back Office (BO) - Bank Syariah Mandiri

Bank Syariah Mandiri as the largest Islamic bank is growing rapidly, providing opportunities to you a quality, like a strong and motivated to challenge themselves by joining mangembangkan fill the position:

Back Office (BO)
(Central Java -


  •      Male, Single, age max 27 years
  •      Being able to read the Qur'an properly
  •      Minimum D-3 graduate from leading universities, with a minimum GPA of 2.75.
  •      Experience in the same field will be considered separately.
  •      Communicative and attractive

Candidates who pass the selection will be placed in the working area of BSM Purwokerto . Application along with CV, pas photo and Supporting Documents sent via the Post no later than 10 (ten) days from the advertisement was published to:


Bank Syariah Mandiri
Jl. Jend Sudirman No 433 Purwokerto

PHP PROGRAMMER - PT Makmur Perkasa Blipin

PT Makmur Perkasa Blipin

Innovative Creative ● Dedicated ● Enthusiastic Friendly

That Is We, how about you?

We are looking for innovative candidate, creative, active, high-spirited, conscientious and has a special talent to join our company.



Competent and have experience in membangunWEBSITE using:
  • PHP
  • SQL
  • Java script, AJAX, Jquery
  • CSS
  • JAVA

Have the ability to see in detail and have high standards in programming.
Dedication, hard work, creative, innovative, strong focus on work, as well as a high programming skills will become the benchmark of your success in this position.

If you are one best of thousands of your peers and want to prove that you are our choice, we would love to hear it from you.

Convey your application to:
Tel: 031 892 6018

Vacancy iPhone Application Developer -

We invite you to be our team member for the following positions and qualifications.

iPhone Application Developer

  • At least a D3/D4/S1 Degree of Computer Science, Information Technology or equivalent.
  • Applicants must be willing to work in Malang.
  • Minimum one year experience in team project
  • Strong algorithm and programming skill
  • Passionate
  • Exceptional performance on programming language: Objective C
  • Minimum one year proven experience in working with: Apple iOS 4 SDK

Please submit your complete application with subject: [IT] iPhone Application Developer, including your expected salary to:

Symbian/ QT Application Developer

  • Candidate must possess at least a D3/D4/S1 Degree of Computer Science, Information Technology or equivalent.
  • Applicants must be willing to work in Malang.
  • Minimum one year experience in team project.
  • Strong algorithm and programming skill
  • Passionate
  • Exceptional performance on programming language: C/C++
  • Minimum one year proven experience in working with: Nokia QT SDK, Nokia Symbian SDK

Please submit your complete application with subject: [IT] Symbian/QT Application Developer, including your expected salary to:

PHP Programmer

  • Candidate must possess at least a D3/D4/S1 Degree of Computer Science/Information Technology, or equivalent.
  • Applicants must be willing to work in Malang.
  • Fresh graduates/Entry level applicants are encouraged to apply.
  • Full-Time positions available.
  • One year experience in real-world projects is an advantage
  • High skill in PHP and MySQL
  • PHP Mobile Programmer: Respectable skill in CodeIgniter Framework, Java, and *NIX is an advantage
  • PHP Web/Wap Programmer: Solid knowledge of XHTML, CSS, JQuery and YII Framework
  • Proficient in English
  • Comfortable to work in a TEAM (not individually)
  • Able to work well under pressure
  • Have a high attention to detail and ZERO-tolerance approach to errors

Please submit your complete application with subject: [IT] PHP Programmer, including your expected salary to: